Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Tuesday, October 30th 2012

today was weird.
moved into a new mod, which took up most of the afternoon|early-evening.

then i went to a CYL|CPSC event around "Community Engagement & Critical Consciousness Training", which was cool. We began with welcome & introductions before a 'Stand Up, Sit Down' exercise that led us into considering the praxis model in a visual way. Charting out a diagram that Lori [the facilitator] seemed useful, we discussed the relationship between the following interworking negotiations:
1| theory + beliefs + knowledge|skills
2| actions
3| reflection*

we discussed the importance of reflection, and one participant|observer noted a sharp distinction they often make between conflict resolution + conflict transformation; seeking instead to create new spaces of dialogue within the realm of seemingly non-negotiable and|or dis-regardable circumstances.

social capital = networking, trust + sharing resources

as volunteers|interns we must ask ourselves, "WHAT CAN I BRING?"

we can reflect through writing evaluations + self-evaluations. we can also plan group debriefing sessions that help to create a new space within which to reflect upon our experiences.


we then broke up into groups for a pair + share and discussed the three phases of working with non-profit|activist|anti-racist|anti-oppressive community organizations. 

during your 1st + 2nd semesters working with a new organization, you bring to the table: skills, hobbies, a work ethic, a fresh mindset, an outsider perspective, excitement, and passion. before taking action you can ask yourself: "WHAT ARE SOME SYSTEMS IN PLACE?" regardless of whether you end up cleaning, taking control of social media and|or simply building trust amongst your co-workers and community members. 

during your 2nd + 3rd semesters you may bring a new awareness which benefits from your added positionality as a Hampshire College student with a preemptive tendency towards deconstruction. 

KEEP IN MIND! --> systems can be sturdy.


after the meeting i had a wonderful meeting with my sound designer, James Glass. he spent the past week collecting field recordings for our first 'movement' which is thematically focused on 'Wall Street|Context' and catharsis

he collected some really amazing stuff! so i put them all on a flash drive and rated them in itunes and then made a folder just for that section of the show. super excited to be working with him.


after that i had a nice phone convo with Sassy (assistant director), and we're going to have our first dance rehearsal this coming saturday. also i'm going to learn how to delegate tasks (which i will discuss with her and jack-- production manager-- this coming thursday).


i spent the rest of the night preparing to TA the OWS class tomorrow. reviewing the readings of Ranciere etc and examining the relationship between political rule and the determination of 'the citizen'. i gotta take out some Hannah Arendt she seems cool! so much inspiration for scores!


i took melatonin! i'm going to go to bed! will go over things i haven't been able to blog about super soon.

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